Remembrance Day is a significant day in the world’s history. With fewer and fewer living survivors, it’s even more important than ever to remember the sacrifice these people made for our country. Teaching our children about the importance of Remembrance Day will help keep the memories of these soldiers and brave individuals alive now and in the future. We can honour them by using this day as a way to teach kids about both the honor and courage these people displayed in the course of performing their duties.
This month KIS teachers and students have been learning, remembering and honouring all of those who serve. We were unable to attend the cenotaph as a school for our traditional Remembrance Day ceremony this year. KIS lined our halls with poppies and photos of veterans in honour of those who served and to say thank you. Lest we forget.
(Thank you to local musicians Leather Apron Revival for the use of their song Dear Mabel in our video.)